Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jokes play with your wedding guests

April 1 is the day of the jokes, but jokes play with your wedding guests on your wedding day, of course, also creates a lot hillariteit and smiling faces. Do you want all the guests at the wedding's get a good look? Then the jokes that you may be able to play on the day of your wedding with your guests.

1. Surprise Wedding
Invite your guests to "engagement party" and when they are there all tell you that it is not really a engagement party, but you still get married that very night and a surprise wedding organized. Surprise! A nice joke or the ultimate shock? Bring maybe your parents and brothers / sisters acquainted to mixed feelings  as to avoid.

2. Enter a new twist to your opening dance
A romantic first dance ? Yeah, that's nice for a minute, but from then you go and you newlywed hubby completely. Discuss in advance with the DJ's plans and make sure he breaks through mid romance and a party number bet, because the biggest secret you have rehearsed a tight choreography. Let's get the party started !

3. Throw a bridal bouquet consisting of loose parts
All those womanly singles once considerably to fool? That is possible during the time you forgot your bridal bouquet going to throw. Remove subtly the ribbon bridal bouquet holds together and see after the throw the bouquet into pieces flying through the air. Where all the women were expecting a bouquet, she suddenly all get a piece of your bridal bouquet. So prepare yourself already but for a lot of weddings.

4. Replace your garter for something else!
The garter removal is a tradition that you see rarely pass by on a wedding, but you can in a funny way to change that. Hide example, a mega (but really huge!) Pants under your dress and you will have your guests are guaranteed to get the laugh!

5. What is your response to this? No!
Want to stir all the guests to tears? Say 'no' instead of 'yes' to your fiancee during the official ceremony. Everyone will be in complete shock. It would bring you a funny situation, but unfortunately you can not run this joke official, otherwise your marriage is cleared void. And that of course you do not!

6. Invite a wedding crasher on your wedding
Wedding crashers always make a special headline at a wedding. Hire an imitator of example, a well-known LocalEventsrental, uses it for wedding crasher at your wedding and holds so by your guests fool pretending that person 'real' is!

Local Events Rental provide party rentals services in los angeles. Contact us for wedding rentals services in los angeles. Call today 323-539-3216.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing these ideas to add some fun to the wedding party! In fact these ideas can be used at any kind of party, just to make that more interesting. Isn’t that? Anyway, I am searching for some inexpensive event location rentals in Brooklyn. Could anyone please help me?
