Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Celebrate your 18th birthday? With a blast of a party!

Your eighteenth birthday, what a mythical time. You are an young and that should be celebrated. Not with cake and boring aunt Bertha, but with the best event party of your life. All your friends together, and then give the best of yourself. Need Inspiration? Keep reading!

The trails on the Outdoor

Why would you stay inside when you can go outside? Invite your friends over for a barbecue : who cares whether it's summer or winter ?! Sure, in the summer is a garden party evident. But evidently is not the intention, right? So go into the park, hang lanterns in the trees and take your own outdoor chef couple.

And in the winter? Same concept. Duffel you warm, put a fire pit nearby, throw some goodies on the grill and the atmosphere comes naturally. Another advantage of barred in the winter? Hot chocolate. Lots of hot chocolate.


Do you see the great? Go really big. Gala large. Find a posh location with enough space for everyone you know. Tell all the guests that they are in costume or evening dress are expected. Yourself you're obviously king / queen of the castle , the center of attention and - should we say it? - You is the tightest in the suit. So make sure that you have someone with a camera around: so you want to capture forever on film.

One more bonus, for 18th anniversary ...

It's happened, you're officially an adult. So ... can also be a glass to drink. Give a barrel in your favorite pub, or cracking a bottle of bubbles with a few of your best friends. There does not need too many people to make it cozy.

What are you waiting for? Start by inviting!

Ideas enough to get you 18th make birthday memorable. Time to set up a guest list, send your parents weekend, and original invitations to send!

Organizer Event Rentals

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